Saturday, March 27, 2010

So pretty much this week I've been working on my annotated bibliography. I feel like Thursday's peer editing session went greeatt. But I'm still really nervous about this paper. We've done so much reading and writing to prepare for this paper buuutt I won't be at ease until I at least write a rough draft and definitely meet the length requirement. As soon as I get to that point I know it's smooth sailing. I've been having some trouble searching for more sources. I seem to be finding the same thing over and over again. Time, effort, and patience are three things I definitely need right now. Patience probably being the most. You know that stupid saying "Patience is a virtue"..... I hate it. I've heard it so many times.. It's not good advice haha. Spring break won't be much of a break for me schoolwise - at least I get to sleeeeeeep! There's always a brightside!

Goodnight and until next time =]

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that your Spring Break isn't providing much time off from school. If you're having problems finding new sources, keep asking yourself questions of the sources you read. Those questions should lead your research in new directions, open new doors for inquiry, etc.
