Sunday, March 14, 2010


So far my research process is going pretty well.. I found a lot of useful information at the library with the help of the librarian - I realized that I wasn't exactly searching for sources properly and the tutorial ended up helping me in two of my classes (I have to write a research essay in my sociology class too). As I'm reading and researching, I'm coming up with more ideas for my paper, and it is somewhat allowing me to relax. I will never be fully relaxed until the rough draft is due though, bc then I know I will have a full paper written out and all it will need is some touching up. The annotated bibliography is at the back of my mind toooo. We will see how well this goes. =]

Source: Parenting Styles and Treatment of Adolescents with Obesity - Susann Regber, Kristina Berg-Kelly, Staffan Madrid

This article provides the definition of obesity, adequate health consequences, and influential contributing factors. It is extremely helpful towards my research.

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