Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Paper Outline

Influences And Preventative Measures Toward Obesity in Adolescents

Thesis: I intend to find out what influential factors are affecting the national increase of obesity in adolescents and if it can possibly be prevented, better yet, reversed. There are many influential factors that directly or indirectly affect teens - genetics, technology, school - but the most influential are their parents. In order to prevent health problems, parents must take active responsibility and take adequate preventative measures for their kids. School systems can also make an effort to prevent this increase and make environments more comfortable for their students.

I. Introduction - grab readers attention
II. Body
A. Influences
1. genetics
2. technology
3. school
4. fast/cheap food
5. depression
B. Parents: most influential
C. Preventative Measures
-health education
positive reinforcement
III. Conclusion: why is my topic important?

Note: This is a working outline. Subject to change.

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